web developer skills – Skills Needed to Become Web Developer in 2024

Web developers need to learn various things to develop a single web application. So, here listing out useful web developers tools, software, frameworks, and a few tips to improve your career in web development.

web developer skills
web developer skills


web developer skills : Right IDE

Choosing the right IDE (Integrated Development Environment) makes web developers’ work easier than before. The beginners have been using Notepad, Notepad++, Sublime Text Editor, and a few lightweight editable editors. These editors are comfortable to use, though those missing many features. To develop the front applications, Visual Studio Code is recommended. Because the UI/UX of the visual studio code is better than other IDEs. Also, it has extensions or plugins to resolve complicated tasks in the visual studio code.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

To build a basic webpage need to learn HTML, and CSS first. HTML is used to build web elements heading, paragraphs, and text-based content. The CSS is used to give colors, and styles to the webpage that will enhance the user experience. Finally, javascript is used to perform event handling in the webpage/application. Most of the current active websites have been running using javascript. HTML, CSS, Javascript is not a complicated language to learn. It is easy to learn and implement, also anyone can learn it from online sources.


A web developer must at least know one backend programming language. So, you can learn any programming language that is Node.js currently trending in the industry. Because you don’t need to learn any other programming language to work on Node.js. Javascript is used to develop the Node.ss programming language. So, web developers can adopt to Node.js framework easily. Backend developer skill is necessary for web developers to handle the data of the application.

The CRUD operations and databases are mostly involved in the backend programming.

Front-End Framework

Learning HTML, CSS, and Javascript is not enough to develop a robust web application. So, learning any font-end framework eases the development of the job in the front end of the application. Angular JS, Angular, Next.js, Svelete, Bootstrap, React JS, and Ionic are the most widely used front-end frameworks in web development. Choose the right one for your development, learn, and execute it.


Every application is using the data from the database to run the application. When you learning the backend programming, at the same time learning the database is the right choice. Because all the data operations are implemented in the backend of the web application. If you are learning Node.js programming, also work on implementing the database drivers like MySQL, and MongoDB.

Learn to Build API

The APIs are abbreviated as application programming interfaces used by many front-end applications, software, and apps to handle the data. Start building API using any back-end framework and implement it on your applications. When the front-end application makes the API calls, the API interface will give the result in either JSON or XML type. JSON (Javascript Object Notation) and XML (Extensible Markup Langauge) are the data structures to display various types of data types.

Chat GPT

Sometimes you don’t know the logic to solve the problem in programming. Chat GPT helps an inevitable role in this section, Chat GPT is a tool developed to Open AI to solve problems. Not only text questions, but you can also ask programming logic to get solutions for your all problem. Also, beware there is no guarantee the Chat GPT solutions are always working well on your project. So, check one or two times the logic is correct that is implemented by the Chat GPT.

Online Resources & Stack Overflow

There are millions of online resources available on Google to get solutions for all your problems. The stack overflow is the platform to get solutions for all the programming & development questions. You can find accurate solutions in the stack overflow platform to the questioning. There are millions of developers/programmers active in Stack Overflow to resolve all your questions.


When finally building an application, need to deploy it on live. Need to host a website or APIs to live. So, developers need hosting knowledge to deploy the project on the servers.

Internet Knowledge

Having internet knowledge is an important skill for every web developer. Because without internet knowledge, developers may struggle on developing the web application as robust. So, if you don’t have much knowledge about the internet, learn how the internet works, browser technology, and more.

Also, learn about networking that will help you to understand how the website and the internet work.

These are the basic skills to become a web developer, and if you are strong in development, you can move your career to MEAN, and MERN development to get high wages. Because MEAN and MERN are high-demand skills in the web development industry. Also, most IT companies give high priority to the full-stack web developer than the web developer. Because IT companies will not like to pay for each development like front-end, backend, and more.

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