Adsense Criteria 2024 – Thoroughly Review Your Site Before Applying for AdSense Approval

AdSense Criteria : Adsense is the best way to make money online through your websites/blogs or YouTube channels. In this article, we will explore the eligibility criteria for AdSense approval for websites and blogs. People often submit their websites for monetization without properly checking whether their site or blog is eligible or not

Now, Google, the giant company, strictly states that if your site violates any AdSense policy, it will not be approved. If your site is already approved but you violate the AdSense policy, your account will be terminated immediately. The frustrating aspect of AdSense is that once your site is disapproved, it’s not easy to regain your account as Google AdSense has strict policies in place.

So aware of AdSense policy violations always and never violate anything which are they described in the policy. So we are here to know the things you need to check before getting AdSense approval. You should follow all the upcoming instructions whenever you trying to apply AdSense for your site. By following this, you can overcome all major errors like No Content, Under Construction, Navigation, Low-Value Content, and Program Policy Violations. 

Adsense Criteria 2024
Adsense Criteria 2024

Adsense Criteria : Did You Write Unique and High-Quality Enough Content

This is very important in getting AdSense Approval. A lot of people just write a few articles even if that does not touch 500+ words and they want AdSense. Then how AdSense approval for those sites is not unique or high quality? So always remember to choose the topic which you are most interested in that applies to all AdSense Policies. Once you have chosen write the articles in detail and give proper titles, subheadings, and minor headings. Include some images relevant to that topic, and don’t forget to give the keyword to the alt attribute, description, and caption to the image. By doing this, you can get more organic traffic when the image appears in Google by the keyword you give to the image. 

It’s crucial not to create articles on topics that already exist on Google. There’s no need to write content that’s already available. Google approves AdSense for original and fresh content that is not plagiarized. As mentioned earlier, focus on writing unique and high-quality articles. If you’re unsure, explore social media platforms like Quora, Reddit, Google’s Question Hub, Medium, etc., to understand what questions people are asking related to your topic. This can provide ideas for creating more content. Before applying to your site, ensure you have written at least 32 original articles, each with a minimum of 850 words. Check all your articles using plagiarism tools to ensure they are original and not copied from other sources, websites, or blogs. That’s all about the content.

Adsense Criteria : Check Your Site has Broken Links

You might encounter ‘Site behaviour: Navigation error’ in AdSense, and a common reason for this issue is including broken or invalid links on your site. If there are broken links, it can result in navigation problems flagged by AdSense. Numerous Broken Link Checker tools are available online; you can choose one of them. We recommend using the Free Broken Link Checker Tool to quickly identify dead links on your website or blog. Simply provide your website URL or domain to find out broken links and click ‘find.’ It will take some time to identify all the broken links. Once you have the list, promptly remove them from your site to resolve the ‘Site behaviour: Navigation’ issue that might hinder your AdSense approval.

Sure Your Site Navigation Menu Links Is Properly Working

Another issue with Navigation Error is to make sure your site navigation menu is responsive to mobile, desktop, tablet and other devices. Check the menu links also redirect to the right page of your website content. The menu links should not be dead and should not lead to irrelevant topics. If it is just fix the navigation menu. The navigation menu is very important for the user to navigate the site by clicking the links which are linked in Navigation Menu.

Are Articles well structured?

This is also important in your articles that your articles must be structured, giving proper headlines, lists of items, and tables.

Have You Used Any Copyrighted Materials On Your Site

Using copyrighted materials on your site is prohibited by AdSense. The original owner can give a copyright act if you use copyrighted materials like images, videos, audio, contents, materials, etc. You can ask how can I get copyright-free materials. We are going to say how to get copyrighted images online. Pixels, PixaBay, and Unsplash sites are giving free images without any attribution. Simply you can download any images from this site. But we recommend not any images directly even if you downloaded them on a copyright-free images website because like you many peoples might be downloaded the same images in which you are interested. They might be used on their Website, blog, or YouTube channel anywhere. So you have to use these images by simply making changes to them for that you can edit the images by using any software which is familiar to edit. Then use it anywhere you want. That’s all guys and bloggers.


Hoping you enjoyed the Things You have to check before you apply for AdSense approval. Keep Browsing.

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